L'analyse des émotions dans le discours présidentiel post attentat, étude contrastive

Document Type : Original research articles


Mansoura university, faculty of Arts, French departement, french linguistics


This study aimed at analyzing the speech of emotions in the presidential speeches after terror attacks. The study has analyzed the speeches of both the President of Egypt Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and the Former President of France Francois Hollande in their speeches to their nations after the terror attack in Bir Al-Abd city in Egypt and Bataclan Theatre terror attack in Paris to express their feelings. The researcher posits that these critical times of any nation require a balanced speech by the president in which s/he expresses his/her feelings and shares deep sorrow with the citizens while preserving the prestige of the state. The study has adopted Aristotle's strategies of argumentation: ethos, logos and pathos. The results have revealed that both speeches used that strategy to address patriotism and reassure the public in both countries.


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