Kompetenzen und Herausforderungen für Übersetzer im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz

Document Type : Review Article


Department of German Studies, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University


The continuous development of the translation industry presents both aspiring and professional translators with new challenges, as they have to adapt to the new situa-tion on the translation market and qualify themselves accordingly. This involves not only the so-called traditional skills, which are primarily linguistic and cultural in nature, but also recognising and using new tools and resources that are now widely availab-le. Although human intelligence, knowledge and skills remain the key factors for real-ly good translations and the ever-increasing range of language services provided by translators and translation companies, technology is "playing an increasingly im-portant role in the provision of translation services" (ibid.). However, this is associa-ted with numerous difficulties and problems, especially for newcomers to the profes-sion, which will be explained in this article.
The aim of the article is to enable students and incoming translators to acquire theo-retical knowledge and to sensitise themselves appropriately to the translation market. The content to be gained should therefore also be taken into account by translation trainers and universities with Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes for trans-lators and implemented wherever possible, which is why the article is also useful for teaching staff at (especially Egyptian) universities and colleges.


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