La traduzione dei prefissi italiani di negazione in arabo

Document Type : Original research articles


Italian Department - Faculty of Al Alsun - Minia University


The Translation of the Italian Prefixes of Negation into Arabic
This research is divided into two parts: the negation prefixes in the Italian language, and how to translate them into Arabic. These prefixes offer more meanings and uses such as opposition, contradiction, contrariety and deprivation.
On the other hand, it reviews different methods that researchers used to express the meanings and uses of these prefixes into Arabic. In the forefront of the modern era, the Arabs contacted the Europeans in various fields, so that the Arabic lexicon became responsive and in line with the requirements of the modern era, either by borrowing words or by borrowing meanings of words, or by finding ways to express the meanings and uses of these prefixes.
Finally, we will try to shed light on this issue, clarify it and draw some conclusions, on the basis of a concurrent study, with selected examples from the contemporary Arabic language, and based on bilingual dictionaries as well.


Main Subjects